STEM SymbolsThe University of Evansville Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, 和土木工程系将在2024年联合举办一个高中STEM训练营. Rising 9th to 12th 鼓励对动手探索STEM概念和应用感兴趣的年级学生参加.

STEM Topics

Energy in molecules
The amount of energy a molecule has depends on its temperature, and this determines the types of motion available to a molecule.  在给定的温度下,分子可以进行平移、旋转和振动运动.  We will determine the speed of sound in a few gases, which, surprisingly, 能告诉我们分子的能量是如何在这三种运动中分布的吗.  我们的结果将表明,振动运动发生在相对较高的能量, 而常温下的分子可能没有足够的能量来进行振动运动.  然后,我们将通过直接检查由旋转和振动运动产生的能级来获得小分子的红外光谱.  我们对分子能量的研究将通过用python编写的计算机程序模拟我们的红外光谱来结束.

Using Data Science to make sense of the world
It seems like everything we do is collected and stored as data. From streaming shows to shopping to healthcare to the use of our devices. But for what purpose? Companies, organizations, the government, 任何使用数据的实体都试图从数据中提取价值和意义. 他们使用复杂的技术来更多地了解你和你的习惯. In this session, 学生们将开始看到统计学和数据科学的力量,以及他们如何利用它来造福自己的生活.

The biophysics of drugs and their targets
了解DNA和蛋白质等大分子的原子结构是开发治疗疾病药物的关键. Through a game-based activity, 学生将学习热力学的基本定律如何支配这些重要生物分子的结构. 然后我们将看到它的作用,因为我们使用现代基于网络的软件来可视化各种生物系统的关键蛋白质成分,并展示这些缺陷如何导致各种疾病.

Testing for antibiotic-resistant bacteria
你将参与一项全国性的项目在埃文斯维尔地区分离的环境土壤样本中检测抗生素抗性基因. 您将了解抗生素耐药性感染如何影响人类,并可能与农场使用抗生素有关. Then, 你将使用分子技术测试土壤样本,以检测我们社区中细菌的存在. You will get hands-on experience extracting DNA from soil, amplifying DNA from your samples, 然后分析DNA以确定是否存在抗生素抗性基因. 您还将使用生物信息学工具来比较细菌中的抗生素抗性基因. 最后,您将向国家抗生素耐药性监测数据库提供您的数据.

Engineering Materials with Chemistry
用于工程和建筑的材料可以被设计成具有其应用所需的性能. 工程师可以利用化学来调整混凝土混合物或设计金属合金. 学生将学习化学如何影响关键工程材料,并获得使用化学反应生产混凝土的实践经验.

Bridge Design and Construction
桥怎么能在河面上支撑几千磅的重量而河面下几乎没有任何支撑? 工程师们利用数学和物理学来设计不仅坚固的桥梁, but also as lightweight and inexpensive as possible. 学生将学习结构设计中的重要概念,并使用模拟器设计自己的桥梁,以考虑强度和成本.

Natural Language Processing in Machine Learning
自然语言处理(NLP)是人工智能的一个分支,专注于使计算机能够理解, interpret, and generate human language. Its applications are diverse, 包括创建聊天机器人和用于自然语言交互的虚拟助手, sentiment analysis for gauging opinions in text data, speech recognition for voice-controlled systems, and machine translation for converting text between languages. NLP is also crucial in tasks such as text summarization, information extraction, named entity recognition, question answering systems, text classification, language generation, and has wide-ranging applications in fields like healthcare, finance, and more, 展示其在增强人机交互和信息处理方面的多功能性. Students will process language data to train, test, and optimize NLP.

Career Discovery and College Prep

  • Learn about the career paths available to STEM majors
  • 与目前的学生见面,了解他们今年夏天在做什么研究, and what they plan to do after college
  • Learn about the college admissions and financial aid processes


Camp fees include a camp T-shirt, lunch on campus, 有机会了解校园里其他营地的情况, and more!

Julie Merkle

Dr. Julie Merkle


Assistant Professor/Biology
Co-Director of the Eykamp Center for Teaching Excellence

Room 219, Koch Center for Engineering and Science

* Please read the Youth Programs, Camps, & 会议手册和儿童保护政策可在“附加表格”标签下找到 PRIOR to registering for programs, camps, and conferences. 请注意,每个夏令营的价格中包含了不可退还的35美元注册费.

Our goal is to make our youth programs, camps, 无论学生的支付能力如何,他们都可以参加会议. Thanks to generous funding from Lilly Endowment Inc., we can offer financial assistance to students who demonstrate need. 如果你有兴趣获得经济资助,请填写 Financial Assistance Request Form BEFORE registering. Please allow up to two business days for your request to be processed. Because demand for assistance is great and funds are limited, we encourage parents/guardians to apply early.